Daily attendance is essential if children are to reach their full potential. Our target as a school is that each child will have an attendance of 98% or more. We aim to decrease our unauthorised and authorised absence figures to meet government national targets. The school works closely with the Attendance Legal Panel and are obliged to refer parents to them for possible penalty notice fine or prosecution where:
1. A child has unauthorised absence for 10 or more sessions.
2. A child is continually late to school and this lateness is unauthorised for 10 or more sessions.
3. A child has unauthorised absence during a public exam, formal school assessment or testing, where dates are published in advance.
Arriving late regularly is unsettling not just for your child, but also the rest of the class.
8.40am The doors open
8.50am The school day starts (register is taken). Any children arriving after this time will receive a Late mark (before registers closed) on their attendance record.
9.10am Any children arriving after this time will receive a Late mark (after registers closed) on their attendance record, which is an unauthorised absence.
Parents should ensure their child arrives at 8.40am each day.
Collection times for the end of the school day
KS1 - 3.15PM
KS2 - 3.20PM
Medical Appointments
Where possible, medical appointments should be arranged outside school hours. Arriving late or leaving early is unsettling not just for your child, but also the rest of the class.
It is essential that parents call the school office and leave a message each day their child is ill. Please ensure you provide details of the illness, so we can update our records.
Formal Examinations, Assessment or Testing
It is essential that children are present when formal examinations, assessment or testing is taking place.
Year 1 Phonics screening will take place Monday 12th June - Friday 16th June 2023.
Year 2 Phonics screening (children that did not attain the expected standard in Year 1 will be re-tested) date to be advised.
Year 2 KS1 SAT’s will take place during the month of May 2023
Year 6 KS2 SATs will take place Tuesday 9th May – Friday 12th May 2023. Additional assessment continues until the end of June 2023.
For further information please see our Attendance Policy, under policies and key documents.
Good and consistent attendance at school is important because:
It is important for families to remember that the national legal guidance shares that a standard family ‘holiday ’in term time will never be classed as an exceptional circumstance and will always be refused by the school.
The department for education (DfE) have updated their ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ guidance for this year.
It states the following:
‘The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full-time education, where the parents decide to have their child registered at school; they have an additional legal duty to ensure their child attends that school regularly. This means that the child must attend every day the school is open’.