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Titchfield Primary School

'It’s a really lovely 1 class per year school with amazing staff'. Y3 and Y5 parent. 'The helpful team cares for kids not because they need to but because they love to' YR and Y3 parent 'Your child will have a friend at our school' Y4 child. 'The teachers are amazing' Y6 child 'Everyone knows one another and looks out for one another too' former parent. 'Titchfield is absolutely brilliant, I live in Gosport and travel there every day.' YR,3 and 5 parent.

Special Educational Needs & Disability

Quick Guide - Parent Guide to SEN

Introduction to SEND at Titchfield Primary School


At Titchfield Primary School ‘We STRIVE for success’ for all children.  We have great expectations of every child in the school in terms of progress and attainment.  The SEND Code of Practice states that teachers are the professionals in school who ‘are responsible and accountable for the progress and development’ of children with SEND (Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities) in their class.  Quality first teaching is the universal provision which all children receive.  The role of the SENCo is to support teachers in providing high quality inclusive teaching.  More information on the role of the SENDCo can be found in the Code of Practice paragraphs 6.84 to 6.94.  If children do not make progress in spite of high quality teaching then additional targeted provision may be required.


This is referred to as the Pathway for SEN support.  For more information, visit this Hampshire County Council webpage:


Children with SEND may require support in addition to or different from their peers to remove barriers to learning and this specialist provision compliments high quality teaching.  The decision for the best form of support is made following an assessment of needs which forms part of a graduated approach. 


This is a four-part cycle – assess, plan, do, review.


Children are assessed to compare them with age related and national expectations as well as looking at wider factors that might be having an impact on learning such as attendance and attitude.  Occasionally, children may be working below KS1 National Curriculum expectations.  In this case, the engagement model is used.  More information on this can be found below.  Other professionals may also become involved such as educational psychologists, therapists or specialist teacher advisors.  Assessment tools may include: standardised tests, checklists, pupil observations, pupil interviews, parent interviews.


Following assessment, a plan is drawn up in consultation with the teacher, SENCo, parent and pupil to agree on adjustments, interventions and support to be put in place as well as identify expected progress, and development.  The plan will be time limited and effectively monitored with clear outcomes for the individual.  Consideration is always given to the evidence-base of interventions.


Once a plan has been agreed, it is clear in the SEND Code of Practice that it is the child’s teacher(s) who are responsible for their progress.  Therefore, close collaboration between then teacher and staff delivering the support is crucial.  At Titchfield Primary School, we aim for in-class provision which enables the child to access whole class curriculum.  Once the programme of specialist provision has been completed, a review is conducted.


This is a model of the process from the Hampshire SEN Support Guidance for Schools:




The National Association for Special Education Needs (NASEN) have also produced an information leaflet about SEN Support and the Graduated Approach which you can download here:


Some children have an EHCP  (Education Health Care Plan) which is reviewed yearly in an annual review.  Staff who support the child meet with them (where appropriate) and their parents to discuss progress towards agreed outcomes, the views of the child, teacher and parent, next steps, and the impact of the provision.  Our SENCo also maintains contact with parents of children with an EHCP and is able to answer specific questions related to each individual child and their EHCP.


You can find out more information about EHCPs in Hampshire by clicking here.


Children who are on the SEND register are assessed in a positive way looking at progress from their individual starting points and tracking them through age related expectations which may not be in line with their chronological age.  The Hampshire SEN Planning tool has been adopted by the school to support teachers with identifying the next steps for the child.  Some children use the Heathfield Learning Steps if they are working outside of the Key Stage 1 curriculum.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mr Alan Sheppard, who can be contacted via the office email address 

Additional links, resources and information

These external links and websites have been shared to provide you with additional support, resources and information.

Family Information and Services Hub (FISH)


This link will help you discover what services are available in your local area as well as provide help and advice:


All families in Hampshire can use the Family Information and Services Hub online directory to find a whole range of information such as:


  • comparing the SEND provision in local schools;
  • advice for young people looking for work; · families searching for childcare services;
  • seeking parenting advice;
  • finding local activities;
  • articles from NHS choices;
  • information relating to special educational needs and / or disabilities; information about Governors


Hampshire Local Offer


Within the Hampshire Family Information and Services Hub (FISH), you can find the Hampshire Local Offer.  The Local Offer includes information about education, health, social care, preparation for adulthood, leisure services and impartial information, advice and support.  Hampshire's Local Offer was co-produced with parents, carers and young people.  It aims to help you find your way through the maze of information to reach the best solutions for you and your child.

Please access the Hampshire Local Offer here:


Hampshire SENDIASS 

For impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support, please contact Hampshire SENDIASS:


Hampshire & Isle of Wight Educational Psychology


The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Educational Psychology team offer a Telephone Support Line which parents can access.  It is provided by the EPs and all calls are confidential.  The telephone number for our area is 02392441497.


More information can be found on this PDF flyer:

The Engagement Model


The engagement model is a teacher assessment tool to help schools support pupils who are at key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2), working below the level of the national curriculum and not engaged in subject-specifc study.


For more information, please download this information for parents leaflet:
