Percy the Park Keeper visits
Mercury class had a very special visitor today!! Percy the Park Keeper came to visit the class for their project outcome!! The children showed him their park designs and discussed what they’ve learnt this half term. He was very impressed and took their park designs to help make improvements to the parks he looks after.
Once upon a time
Our Year 1 project outcome to parents celebrated our learning during our 'Once Upon a Time' project. We performed the story of The Enormous Turnip using actions. We also used the story settings, props and characters we made in groups during DT to retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Our exciting outcome also gave us a great opportunity to showcase all of the fantastic family home learning projects Year 1 made this half term, we were so impressed with everybody's creations and brilliant acting!
Water Capacity Maths
Year 1 are learning all about water capacity in Maths
Year 1 have been busy creating a prospectus all about our school.