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Titchfield Primary School

'It’s a really lovely 1 class per year school with amazing staff'. Y3 and Y5 parent. 'The helpful team cares for kids not because they need to but because they love to' YR and Y3 parent 'Your child will have a friend at our school' Y4 child. 'The teachers are amazing' Y6 child 'Everyone knows one another and looks out for one another too' former parent. 'Titchfield is absolutely brilliant, I live in Gosport and travel there every day.' YR,3 and 5 parent.

Guides to Social Media and Online Platforms

Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. Users can engage with social media via computer, tablet or smartphone via web-based software or web application, often utilizing it for messaging

Social media accounts are regularly hacked. Look out for language or content that does not sound like something your children’s friends would post. Be careful about what they share. Educate children never to reveal personal information such as home address, names and age.

Being active on social media is a great way to show their friends how much fun they are having, but it is important to use these apps safely and securely so that bad things do not happen. By following the social media safety tips in the guides below, you can make sure your personal information stays private, and that posts are positive. Making sure, children’s social media use is responsible and healthy.
