Autumn Display year 4
Iceland topic
Titchfield Primary visit Titchfield Abbey
Year 4 recently visited Titchfield Abbey for their topic 'Titchfield Abbey and the 3rd Earl of Southampton'.
The children enjoyed a quiz around the grounds and sketching the abbey. We are very grateful to our local Titchfield Abbey expert Marilyn, for giving the children a fascinating tour of the abbey.
Pizza making project
Year 4 were asked by dominos to create and design a new pizza directed to children. We had to research pizzas already on the menu and taste a range of pizzas to see what we liked and disliked. Once we had a few toppings in our minds we conducted a survey to see which toppings were popular.
For our packaging we chose boxes and paper mached them. Once dry we painted a few coats and then added our titles and any detail we chose.
We made our own dough and used our preferred toppings in order to create our pizzas. It was great to see the children present their packaging and pizza to a member of dominos. He was incredibly impressed and loved tasting all of the children’s pizzas.