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Titchfield Primary School

'It’s a really lovely 1 class per year school with amazing staff'. Y3 and Y5 parent. 'The helpful team cares for kids not because they need to but because they love to' YR and Y3 parent 'Your child will have a friend at our school' Y4 child. 'The teachers are amazing' Y6 child 'Everyone knows one another and looks out for one another too' former parent. 'Titchfield is absolutely brilliant, I live in Gosport and travel there every day.' YR,3 and 5 parent.

Sex Education

It is not compulsory for primary school children to be taught sex education.  However, the statutory science curriculum and the statutory relationships education curriculum does require us to teach how our bodies change and how animals have babies that grow up for example, so we feel that there may be a gap in the children’s understanding if we didn’t address sexual intercourse and conception. 



The resources we use are from The Christopher Winter Project and are available to view below.


The lesson which teaches about Sex is in Year 6, Lesson 3: Families, Conception and Pregnancy.  


We use picture resources and a BBC video during the lesson:
