PHSE at Titchfield Primary School
At Titchfield Primary school our PSHE curriculum has been designed to prepare children for their future lives. We want them to be effective members of the community, know how to take care of themselves by looking after their physical and emotional health. Being part of a community includes understanding about positive relationships, social skills as well as economic awareness.
We feel strongly that our curriculum should reflect the needs of our pupils. PSHE is an exciting area of the curriculum because it gives give every child an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future and giving them a solid foundation for whatever challenging opportunities lie ahead, so they can face a world full of uncertainty with hope.
We use the statutory programme for EYFS to shape our Year R curriculum and have developed six curriculum aims for ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’. These are: to follow the Titchfield Way, to show STRIVE values, to identify feelings and emotions and explain why they feel different ways to show curiosity for learning, to manage their personal needs, know how to stay healthy and make safe choices, and to develop skills to make a good friendship and maintain by co-operating and resolving conflicts.
We follow the statutory guidance for Relationship education and Physical Health and wellbeing for Key Stages 1 and 2. We are members of the PSHE Association and have adopted their Programme Builders Question-Based Model curriculum. We have enhanced this curriculum through the addition of other themes that reflect the needs our children.
Teaching and learning in PSHE can happen in many different forms. The variety of lessons and learning experiences is encouraged to fully embed the key concepts which are taught to the children. These include circle time, discussions, debates, drama, music, art and written work. A typical PSHE lesson begins by finding out what the children already know, understand, can say and do. A positive approach is used which does not try to shock children or make them feel guilty.
The key themes covered across the school are relationships, health and wellbeing and living in the wider world. The curriculum is designed so that these themes are revisited and built upon in an age appropriate way.
As well as the Programme Builders, whole school annual themes such as anti-bullying, internet safety, mental health awareness, road safety and NSPCC ‘PANTS’ and ‘Speak Out, Stay’ safe also support children’s learning. These are important to us and are revisited every year.
Our STRIVE Learning Values and ‘The Titchfield Way’ also support PSHE development as they focus on mental attitudes to support learning and enable children to apply their skills across the curriculum.
Assessment follows principles from the PSHE Association which is to assess what the children know about the question at the start of a unit plan (eg. What makes a good friend? Y2 Au1) and then repeat the activity at the end of the unit. Children who have not met the objectives are noted on the assessment criteria sheets.
As a subscribing member of the PSHE association, all teachers have access to their resource bank which supports the curriculum. These are updated half termly.
At Titchfield Primary School, we believe children should be taught the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults. We believe Relationship Education is important for pupils at our school because we want them to develop their individuality and sense of self- worth, by empowering them to understand and build positive and healthy relationships with their family, peers and other adults enabling them to develop and recognise healthy relationships as future adults.
Our children will be shown the importance of mutual respect and trust whilst being encouraged to understand how people can have different types of relationships regardless of their faith, ethnicity or gender. They will be equipped to make safe, informed choices (in both the real and virtual world) whilst developing empathy, tolerance and acceptance of others.
We believe that active engagement in learning, rather than passively receiving information, is most effective in teaching Relationship Education. Pupils need opportunities to consider and clarify their values and beliefs and to rehearse and develop enquiry and interpersonal skills. Pupils also need a comprehensive, balanced and relevant body of factual information to inform their present and future choices.
The majority of the relationship education curriculum is taught through our PSHE (see the PSHE A4 overview). We use the PSHE Question Builder curriculum and one of the key themes is relationships.
We also use the Christopher Winter project materials to complement and enhance our curriculum.
We have a policy for both PSHE education and Relationships Education. Please visit out policy page to find them: