Earth class had an amazing time on their geography fieldwork trip travelling to different locations around Hampshire on Friday! They represented our school fantastically and loved completing fieldwork activities and speaking to members of the public.
At Titchfield Primary School, we love learning all things Geography! We use our learning values- STRIVE- to help us be the best geographical thinkers and learners that we can be!
We aim to make our Geography learning as exciting as possible. We use ‘The World’ statements in Early Years Development Matters, the Geography National Curriculum and our knowledge of our children to structure the content of our Geography curriculum projects. The children enjoy the fact that Geography is all around us- learning to the environment around us and linking Geography to everyday life. We aim for the children to develop keenness and curiosity to support their learning.
Each Geography project is a learning journey starting with an engaging hook, which gives the purpose for the outcome. An example of an outcome would be the children creating a guidebook to our school for families who join our school. By having a purposeful outcome with an audience, it engages the children further with their Geography learning.
Fieldwork is at the centre of our Geography curriculum for making the most successful Geography learners. From Early Years, the children are encouraged to use the outside areas as a hub for learning; they enjoy practising skills such as observing, describing, comparing, questioning and investigating. The children develop these skills into their learning throughout the school, when they visit the local park, Barry’s Meadow, in year one and when they have to compare their own locality to areas in North and South America in year five and six.
Children are encouraged to be interactive and hands on with their Geography learning on the two residentials that Titchfield Primary School offer to our children. In year four, children can go to Stubbington where they develop key geographical skills such as comparing locations, using equipment such as cameras, measuring equipment or thermometers and carrying out geographical investigations. The year six children begin their academic year on a Spy Camp in Avon Tyrell. The children undertake physical activities such as zip lining and bush craft, in which they are practising a range of geographical skills.
Other areas of the curriculum are also utilised to support children’s knowledge and understanding of Geography. Geography will form the focus for writing projects and guided reading activities.
Teachers assess children’s learning in each Geography project using an assessment proforma developed by SLT and the Geography leader. The assessment proforma includes key vocabulary, key skills and national curriculum objectives as well as opportunities to assess and reflect on the children’s progress, considering how the children need support going forward. The subject leader also monitors standards in the subject.
Teachers at Titchfield Primary School believe that good outcomes need good teaching and good learning environments. The teachers create useful and purposeful displays which feature work by the children and use practical resources such as key words, pictures and maps.
On leaving Titchfield Primary we want children to have a secure geographical knowledge as well as an understanding of the key geographical skills and see Geography as exciting and interesting!